Tuesday, 24 September 2013

More circus doodles

The floating circus is getting bigger and a little bit steampunk...

Doodled in the Bristol cathedral courtyard garden - a lovely place full of flowery old graves. You can just see the circus floating past in the distance:

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Stuff that's wonderful

P.S.  If you also want to see some stuff that I think is totally brilliant, here's my pinterest board

(But frankly, there's no end to the wonderful stuff out there I could be pinning - it's just too much fun and I could do it all day!)

Poodle Doodle

Have a look at my new design venture - at the moment, I'm doing dog breeds but who knows what could be coming up next??

Would appreciate a facebook like from any secret fans :)

I'm also on twitter now too!