Sunday, 18 September 2011

Juxtapoz article

One of my favourite illustration magasines Juxtapoz has an article about my work on their website!

See the article here - written by the very talented Laura Hines

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Back from St Andrews

St Andrews was lovely!
Beautiful and sunny (with just a smirr of rain). Very excited to start work on the book in October. Drawings at this stages are mostly quite boring functional notes on details, such as below ....

.... but I should have some photographs coming soon.

In the meantime, here's a picture of little Red Riding Hood!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

New book project!

Some excellent news to announce this week - I am soon to start my very first children's book!

I've been approached by Scottish publisher Serafina Press who I first came across at the London Book Fair in April. They are an independent Scottish book publisher which "aims to publish art-driven children's books. These will have a local flavour, with stories to appeal to children anywhere."

Their previous titles are delightful - here's a photograph of my collection:

The books have a strong focus on local legend and traditional stories, while maintaining a contemporary, detailed style of illustrations. (Which, as you might know, is right up my street!) Each book is set in a different Scottish town, meaning I'll be part of a really unique series which has gained the affection of locals across the East coast of the country.

The new book I'm going to work on is called 'The Lion of St Andrews'. It's early days yet, but here are some sketches and concept drawings for the curious!:

Thursday, 1 September 2011

MiddleBoopMag article

Illustrating maniac Murray Sommerville has written a most excellent article about me for MiddleBoopMag:

Have you seen ... Katie Coulton?

High compliments from the hand that produced such wonderful madness as this:

You can find more of his punk-style comics and zany 2am drawings at and

Also, keep an eye out for his custom label Becks bottles, out today!